Cannot hide kibana:monitoring


I am getting the following error in Kibana when I try to log in with a user that has “kibana:monitoring” hidden:

Error: Uncaught Error: Nav link for id = kibana:monitoring not found (
at window.onerror (

The ES and Kibana logs show nothing that seems to indicate a problem.

I am running ES/Kibana 6.3.2 and ROR Enterprise 1.6.23_es6.3.2

This is the configuration. User test1 gets the error message, but everything works fine for user test2.


    prompt_for_basic_auth: false
    # Enable the audit collector
    audit_collector: true


    # These credentials have no limitations, and shall be used only by the Kibana deamon.
    - name: "::KIBANA-SRV::"
      auth_key: kibana:kibana
      verbosity: error
    # ADMIN

    - name: "::ADMIN_KIBANA::"
      auth_key: admin:admin
      kibana_access: admin
      indices: [".kibana*", "*"]
      kibana_index: ".kibana_admin"
    - name: "::ADMIN_INDICES::"
      auth_key: admin:admin
      actions: ["indices:*"]
      indices: ["*"]

    # TEST
    - name: "::TEST1::"
      auth_key: test1:testpw
      kibana_access: ro
      indices: [ ".kibana_test", ".kibana-devnull", "testindex-*"]
      kibana_hide_apps: ["readonlyrest_kbn", "timelion", "kibana:dev_tools", "kibana:management", "kibana:monitoring"]
      kibana_index: ".kibana_test"
    - name: "::TEST2::"
      auth_key: test2:testpw
      kibana_access: ro
      indices: [ ".kibana_test", ".kibana-devnull", "testindex-*"]
      kibana_hide_apps: ["readonlyrest_kbn", "timelion", "kibana:dev_tools", "kibana:management"]
      kibana_index: ".kibana_test"


# Disable all x-pack features except for monitoring
xpack.monitoring.enabled: true false false false
xpack.watcher.enabled: false


# Kibana server use ::KIBANA-SRV:: credentials
elasticsearch.username: "kibana"
elasticsearch.password: "kibana"
# Hard coded cookie encryption key. Should be the same on all Kibana instances, if behind a load balancer.
readonlyrest_kbn.cookiePass: XXXXX

# Disable all x-pack features except for monitoring
xpack.monitoring.enabled: true false
xpack.graph.enabled: false false
xpack.reporting.enabled: false
xpack.apm.enabled: false

Have I missed something?

Please advise,


Are you using the OSS version of Kibana? The one without X-Pack?

No, this is the one with X-pack. Monitoring works fine, unless I try to hide the app with ROR.

Strange, can you try to navigate to monitoring and paste here the URI you see in the browser?

Very strange indeed.

If I login with the test2 user, the URI is the following:

With user test1, that has the monitoring app hidden, I get the same error message when I try to go to the URI above.

So far I have tried the following:

  • Uninstalled Kibana
  • Deleted /usr/share/kibana and /usr/lib/kibana
  • Deleted the .readonlyrest index
  • Reinstalled Kibana
  • Reinstalled ROR
  • Recursively set owner kibana:kibana on /usr/share/kibana

No errors in the logs when I login with user test1.


[2018-08-24T12:27:33,836][INFO ][t.b.r.a.ACL              ] ALLOWED by { name: '::TEST1::', policy: ALLOW} req={ ID:647456314-1892050120#574595, TYP:NodesInfoRequest, CGR:N/A, USR:test1, BRS:false, KDX:.kibana_test, ACT:cluster:monitor/nodes/info, OA:, DA:, IDX:<N/A>, MET:GET, PTH:/_nodes/_local, CNT:<N/A>, HDR:{authorization=Basic dGVzdDE6dGVzdHB3, Connection=close, Authorization=<OMITTED>, content-length=0, Host=localhost:9200}, HIS:[::KIBANA-SRV::->[auth_key->false]], [::ADMIN_KIBANA::->[auth_key->false]], [::ADMIN_INDICES::->[auth_key->false]], [::TEST1::->[kibana_access->true, indices->true, kibana_hide_apps->true, auth_key->true, kibana_index->true]] } 
[2018-08-24T12:27:34,102][INFO ][t.b.r.a.ACL              ] ALLOWED by { name: '::TEST1::', policy: ALLOW} req={ ID:1256870614-1927139315#574601, TYP:GetRequest, CGR:N/A, USR:test1, BRS:false, KDX:.kibana_test, ACT:indices:data/read/get, OA:, DA:, IDX:.kibana_test, MET:GET, PTH:/.kibana_test/doc/config%3A6.3.2, CNT:<N/A>, HDR:{authorization=Basic dGVzdDE6dGVzdHB3, Connection=keep-alive, Authorization=<OMITTED>, Host=localhost:9200, Content-Length=0}, HIS:[::KIBANA-SRV::->[auth_key->false]], [::ADMIN_KIBANA::->[auth_key->false]], [::ADMIN_INDICES::->[auth_key->false]], [::TEST1::->[kibana_access->true, indices->true, kibana_hide_apps->true, auth_key->true, kibana_index->true]] } 


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    "responseTime": 25,
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  "type": "response",
  "@timestamp": "2018-08-24T10:27:36Z",
  "tags": [],
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  "statusCode": 200,
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  "message": "GET /bundles/4b5a84aaf1c9485e060c503a0ff8cadb.woff2 200 4ms - 9.0B"

Hi, it is normal, it is like APM, you have to just put “monitoring” instead of “kibana:monitoring”.
It is a specific addons, not a direct plugin.

kibana_hide_apps: ["readonlyrest_kbn", "timelion", "kibana:dev_tools", "kibana:management", "monitoring"]
1 Like

Thanks, that solved it!

1 Like