Filtering with jwt authentication is not working

Hi team , I am using jwt authentication to authenticate user and want to filter the ES respone based on client key present as calim in the jwt token but filtering is not working for me. The authentication is working. Is it possible to use jwt claims in filtering? Below is my yaml configuration

readonlyrest.yml: |-
enable: false
keystore_file: “/usr/share/elasticsearch/config/certs/keystore.jks”
keystore_pass: test123
key_pass: test123

  - name: "Allow read access to index through jwt authentication"
    type: allow
    indices: ["*"]
    filter: '{"bool": { "must": { "match": { "client": "@{jwt:client}" }}}}'
      name: "jwt_provider_1"
  - name: "Allow write access to index through jwt authentication"
    type: allow
    indices: ["*"]
      name: "jwt_provider_1"

  - name: "Allow docker-kubernetes to check health"
    type: allow
    actions: ["cluster:monitor/health"]
  - name: jwt_provider_1
    signature_algo: HMAC # can be NONE, RSA, HMAC (default), and EC 
    signature_key: "oskDPTRIuGJrHu0QqkGB0JsRxBNDZ9pHc9IcfXMoKM8uQ5YEP23uzZ8EHG8oDFyhgqMr9cq2k8cSOsOktqBESEbiFzYPz8wOIVdlYqcv7xidK6N9bPYJXyDEQwO2j2DkoskDPTRIuGJrHu0QqkGB0JsRxBNDZ9pHc9IcfXMoKM8uQ5YEP23uzZ8EHG8oDFyhgqMr9cq2k8cSOsOktqBESEbiFzYPz8wOIVdlYqcv7xidK6N9bPYJXyDEQwO2j2Dk"
    user_claim: client
    header_name: Authorization

thanks for your report. We will check it