Kibana multi-tenancy dashboard

Hi @sscarduzio,

I am using multi-tenancy and I would like to export a dashboard and to import it for others groups.
Here is my configuration.

 - name: "Application 1 users"
    name: "ldap-ep"
    groups: ["group1"]
  kibana_access: rw
  indices: [".kibana","tomcat-*","nginx-*","error-*","squid-*"]
  kibana_hide_apps: ["Observability", "Security", "Management", "Enterprise Search", "Analytics|Overview", "Analytics|Canvas",  "Analytics|Maps"]

- name: "Application 2 users"
    name: "ldap-ep"
    groups: ["group2"]
  kibana_access: ro
  indices: [".kibana_app2","tomcat-*","nginx-*","error-*","squid-*"]
  kibana_hide_apps: ["Observability", "Security", "Management", "Enterprise Search", "Analytics|Overview", "Analytics|Canvas",  "Analytics|Maps"]
  kibana_index: ".kibana_app2"

- name: "Application 3 users"
    name: "ldap-ep"
    groups: ["group2"]
  kibana_access: ro
  indices: [".kibana_app3","tomcat-*","nginx-*","error-*","squid-*"]
  kibana_hide_apps: ["Observability", "Security", "Management", "Enterprise Search", "Analytics|Overview", "Analytics|Canvas",  "Analytics|Maps"]
  kibana_index: ".kibana_app3"

I am an user from group1. I create a dashbooard and all the visualizations.
I would like to export this dashboard and to import it for group2 & group3.


Hi @hassen, what prevents you frorm manually exporting from one tenancy to the other one?
I.e. from saved objects GUI

Or do you expect some automation? In that case, have a look at the tenancy index templating feature


Yes, we wanted to automate it with an Ansible playbook. I will have a look at the Tenancy index templating and let you know.

Thank you.

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