Securing WinLogBeat with SSL + Credentials

dude the indentation is all screwed up, so it’s impossible to understand what’s wrong. Can you paste your configuration and wrap it inside the triple backtick notation?

 bla: "foo"
  - bar: 123

which is written like this

See this

YAML formatting strikes again! I cleaned that up and boom:

36mALLOWED by { name: ‘winlogbeat/kibana can write and create its own indices’, policy: ALLOW}
36mALLOWED by { name: ‘winlogbeat/kibana can write and create its own indices’, policy: ALLOW}

Sorry for the inconvenience! I can work with this! I will keep you updated on the progress. After you said the rules were not being used I figured something was amiss and formatting is something I missed.

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I can validate that I have successfully implemented ROR with ElasticSearch and WinLogBeat using TLS Certs and username/password validation.

Adding “enable: true” in the readonlyrest.yml file was very helpful for debugging.

Then formatting YAML everything worked after a few tweaks.

A quick not on formatting in this forum: It appears that everything I post loses its formatting and some of the things that are posted might not have good formatting so never bulk copy/paste from the forums or one could struggle.

Thanks for your help! ROR rules!

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Yes, YAML is a bitch. I do my best to wrap in back ticks what people paste, but sometimes the formatting is already lost.

Any suggested solutions to mitigate this?


regarding yaml copy/paste, I use

that works for me

Yes to the </>, definitely no to the


with </> code format button:

- name: "::PERSONAL_GRP::"
  groups: ["Personal"]
  kibana_access: rw
  kibana_hide_apps: ["readonlyrest_kbn", "timelion"]
  kibana_index: ".kibana_@{user}"

with quotation

  • name: “::PERSONAL_GRP::”
    groups: [“Personal”]
    kibana_access: rw
    kibana_hide_apps: [“readonlyrest_kbn”, “timelion”]
    kibana_index: “.kibana_@{user}”
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