Access via kibana ask authentication twice

When accessing to kibana the popup authentication raze twice.
In this link:

I see that the problem is from the kibana.
Did this issue have been resolved?

I use users authentication

enable: true
response_if_req_forbidden: Forbidden by ReadonlyREST ES plugin


- username: user1
  auth_key: user1:pass1
  groups: ["group1"]

- username: user2
  auth_key: user2:pass2
  groups: ["group2"]

- username: user3
  auth_key: user3:pass3
  groups: ["group3"]

- name: kiabna
  type: allow
  auth_key: kibana:kibanapass
  indices: [".kibana"]

- name: Accept requests from users in group dba on all indexes
  type: allow
  groups: ["group1"]
  indices: ["*"]

- name: Accept requests from users in group eai on index eaitest
  type: allow
  groups: ["group2"]
  indices: [".kibana","test"]

- name: Accept requests from users in group qa on index eaitest
  type: allow
  groups: ["group3"]
  kibana_access: ro
  indices: [".kibana","test"]

elasticsearch.username: “kibana”
elasticsearch.password: “kibanapass”