Automatic installation of ROR 1.62 pathing kibana

ROR Version: 1.62

Kibana Version: 7.17.25

Elasticsearch Version:7.17.25

Steps to reproduce the issue
node/bin/node plugins/readonlyrestkbn/ror-tools.js patch

Expected result:
I want to have a key that will exclude this step.
for example
node/bin/node plugins/readonlyrestkbn/ror-tools.js patch -y

Actual Result:
[ROR COMPAT] NOTICE: This script patches Kibana to work with the ReadonlyREST plugin. The patch modifies Kibana source files

as required by the ReadonlyREST plugin. By proceeding, you confirm understanding and acceptance of responsibility for

modifying Kibana in compliance with Elastic’s licensing. Please read:

Type “yes” to continue:

@driveirk did you see the silent mode in docs?

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Oh, thank you. I must have missed it when I read the documentation.
Maybe this should be added to this instruction?

# node/bin/node plugins/readonlyrestkbn/ror-tools.js
[ROR COMPAT] Received command: help
[ROR COMPAT] This tool is used to (un)install some code hooks in Kibana main source code that are necessary for ReadonlyREST to work appropriately with the non-OSS Kibana distribution

usage: node/bin/node /usr/share/kibana/node/bin/node /usr/share/kibana/plugins/readonlyrestkbn/ror-tools.js <patch|unpatch|verify|fix>

Yeah, we have already talked about that. It will be added

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