ROR Version: 1.62
Kibana Version: 7.17.25
Elasticsearch Version: 7.17.25
Steps to reproduce the issue
Use kibana config for Enterprise:
For example:
Expected result:
The trial version will start and later I can put my license there.
The key is in the index so you can do the activation using Elasticsearch. So that Elasticsearch creates a license index.
Actual Result:
Kibana does not start:
[14:09:23:719] [error][plugins][ReadonlyREST][ConfigurationCompliance] FATAL: Current Activation Key is for a “Free” license. Your kibana.yml enables features that are not available at this subscription level. You can upgrade to an Enterprise license at
[14:09:23:719] [error][plugins][ReadonlyREST][ConfigurationCompliance]
“Custom CSS/JS Injections” is only available for Enterprise subscribers.
[14:09:23:719] [error][plugins][ReadonlyREST][ConfigurationCompliance]
“Login page customizations” is only available for PRO and Enterprise subscribers.