[DEPRECATED] Rewrite indices rule

:bulb: Index rewriting rule

When a request targets one or more index, replace one or more indices with a given replacement.

:eyes: Example

When Kibana writes a new dashboard object to “.kibana”, retarget the write to “.kibana_user1”.

indices_rewrite: ["(^\\.kibana.*|^logstash.*)", "$1_user1"]

This would unlock multi tenancy using a single instance of Kibana.
So writing to .kibana would end up writing on .kibana_user1.

EDIT: it’s not possible to do this because the Kibana daemon has its own set of credentials. Multi tenancy is not possible to be achieved with ES plugin alone. A Kibana plugin is necessary (and on the way).

HOWEVER This rewrite feature is enough for log ingestion, so, here is a better example:

indices_rewrite: ["^logstash.*", "$1_@user"]

All logstash agents that want to write to logstash* may write to logstash-*_someUser

:rocket: Let’s do this?

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that would also be a very good feature! But do not forget to give a way for the admin to manage all the .kibana-* and maybe be able to update configs. i do not want to enter with 3 different users to add a new indice or dashboard :slight_smile:

One may use it for groups instead of users and the config management be less a problem, as usually groups share the same config and are usually fewer when compared with users numbers

Would it be OK if the admin would rewrite:

indices_rewrite: [".kibana", ".kibana.*"]

Which means that when admin’s Kibana asks for objects from .kibana index, all the objects come down?

Alternatively, the ROR Kibana plugin could add the feature of a Kibana app where to click the various available kibana indices, changing the associated kibana index on the fly via clicking links.
That would be a distinct feature though.

Good news! The basic version of this is in master now.

  1. This works (rewrite requested index to something known at configure-time)
indices_rewrite: ["^\\.kibana.*", ".kibana_user1"] 
  1. This works (rewrite requested index to something known at configure-time + prefix/suffix)
indices_rewrite: ["(^\\.kibana.*|^logstash.*)", "$1_user1"] # => .kibana_user1, .logstash-2017-03-01_user1
  1. This does not yet work (rewrite requested index to N existing indices)
indices_rewrite: [".kibana", ".kibana.*"] # => .kibana_user1, .kibana_user2

Hi SImone,

This looks very interesting. I suppose that this is still in the early stages. I’ve been playing with this a little bit, setting a rule like

- indices_rewrite: ["^\\.kibana", ".kibana_psaiz02"]
  - .kibana
  name: Allow read for default
  type: allow

and I’m getting the following error:

[2017-03-21T16:20:43,413][INFO ][o.e.p.r.IndexLevelActionFilter] [q500N6i] forbidden request: { ID:866fb19ddcc04fcdb7f723afdca42bcd, TYP:CreateIndexRequest, USR:null, BRS:false, ACT:indices:admin/create, OA:, IDX:.kibana, MET:PUT, PTH:/.kibana, CNT:<OMITTED, LENGTH=178>, HDR:Connection,content-type,Host,Content-Length, EFF:1, HIS:[Allow read for default->[]], [Allow read for default->[indices->true, indices_rewrite->true]] } Reason: java.lang.ClassCastException: org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.create.CreateIndexRequest cannot be cast to org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.alias.IndicesAliasesRequest

This is with es 5.2.1, ror 1.14.0

Hey Pablo,

Good catch! You spotted a subtle bug in RequestContext.setIndex. I fixed it and released this pre-build for you.


PS: Congrats for the 5 new particles :champagne: :wink:

Hi Simone,

Thanks for the patch!
The error message has changed slightly

[2017-03-22T12:05:09,643][INFO ][o.e.p.r.a.RequestContext ] id: dedcefdeb2894c2d84d24161896d5794 - Replacing indices. Old:[.kibana] New:[.kibana_psaiz02]
[2017-03-22T12:05:09,643][INFO ][o.e.p.r.IndexLevelActionFilter] [q500N6i] forbidden request: { ID:dedcefdeb2894c2d84d24161896d5794, TYP:IndexRequest, USR:null, BRS:false, ACT:indices:data/write/index, OA:, IDX:.kibana, MET:POST, PTH:/.kibana/config/5.2.1/_create, CNT:<OMITTED, LENGTH=17>, HDR:Connection,content-type,Host,Content-Length, EFF:1, HIS:[Allow read for default->[indices->true, indices_rewrite->true]], [Allow read for default->[]] } Reason: java.lang.ClassCastException: org.elasticsearch.action.index.IndexRequest cannot be cast to org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.alias.IndicesAliasesRequest

So, now is IndexRequest (instead of CreateIndexRequest).


There was still something wrong. Here’s a build with a more comprehensive fix:


Hi Simone,

Thanks for the patch. I’m still getting the same error

[2017-03-23T10:50:14,673][INFO ][o.e.p.r.a.RequestContext ] id: 6a905f7803684eb29856f2b7536356df - Replacing indices. Old:[.kibana] New:[.kibana_psaiz02]
[2017-03-23T10:50:14,673][INFO ][o.e.p.r.a.ACL            ] request: { ID:6a905f7803684eb29856f2b7536356df, TYP:SearchRequest, USR:null, BRS:false, ACT:indices:data/read/search, OA:, IDX:.kibana_psaiz02, MET:POST, PTH:/.kibana/config/_search, CNT:<OMITTED, LENGTH=77>, HDR:Connection,content-type,Host,Content-Length, EFF:0, HIS:[Allow read for default->[]], [Allow read for default->[indices->true, indices_rewrite->true]] } matched block: Allow read for default match: true}
[2017-03-23T10:50:14,678][INFO ][o.e.p.r.a.RequestSideEffects] Committing 1 effects
[2017-03-23T10:50:14,679][INFO ][o.e.p.r.a.RequestContext ] id: 010733e7cc9240b3b8f8b581c60d5d68 - Replacing indices. Old:[.kibana] New:[.kibana_psaiz02]
[2017-03-23T10:50:14,679][INFO ][o.e.p.r.IndexLevelActionFilter] [q500N6i] forbidden request: { ID:010733e7cc9240b3b8f8b581c60d5d68, TYP:IndexRequest, USR:null, BRS:false, ACT:indices:data/write/index, OA:, IDX:.kibana, MET:POST, PTH:/.kibana/config/5.2.1/_create, CNT:<OMITTED, LENGTH=17>, HDR:Connection,content-type,Host,Content-Length, EFF:1, HIS:[Allow read for default->[]], [Allow read for default->[indices->true, indices_rewrite->true]] } Reason: java.lang.ClassCastException: org.elasticsearch.action.index.IndexRequest cannot be cast to org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.alias.IndicesAliasesRequest

[root@psaiz02 plugins]# /usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/elasticsearch-plugin list -v
Plugins directory: /usr/share/elasticsearch/plugins
- Plugin information:
Name: readonlyrest
Description: Safely expose Elasticsearch REST API
Version: 1.14.1-pre3_es5.2.1
 * Classname: org.elasticsearch.plugin.readonlyrest.wiring.ReadonlyRestPlugin

That error was because my reflection algorithm didn’t navigate the object hierarchy more than 2 levels deep looking for the indices field to be changed. Now it’s recursive. Plus, I’m changing the index name also in the search response hits.


Hi, in this method ,If .kibana_xyz (rewritten one) index does not already exist in es , can we define to create it on runtime?
Like If it does’nt exist …create it?

@psaiz can you provide me with proper settings that you are using?

@shubhamverma27 this feature is very partial: it does not work for requests other than bulk, get/multiget and search. I don’t recommend relying on it for anything else.

okayy… Its Currently not of much use as We can’t even create /delete index pattern into the .kibana_xyz index as while doing any POST/GET it redirects to .kibana index which results in timeout :confused:

yeah forget this feature, I probably should remove it as its application field is a small set of request types…