[ECK] Multi tenancy issue


i’m using ROR Enterprise version (1.50.0) wtih ECK

I have an issue regarding multi-tenancy

i have taken the same example as for the documentation.

When i login, i can access to Admin tenant

but can’t switch to Template tenant

with kibana logs:
[2023-10-17T11:59:34.752+00:00][ERROR][plugins.spaces] Unable to navigate to space “default”. Error: Invalid response received from Elasticsearch has_privilege endpoint. Error: [application.kibana-.kibana]: Payload did not match expected resources
[11:59:34:762] [info][plugins][ReadonlyREST][proxyBuilder] Receiving 500 error from Kibana response with a data: {“statusCode”:500,“error”:“Internal Server Error”,“message”:“Invalid response received from Elasticsearch has_privilege endpoint. Error: [application.kibana-.kibana]: Payload did not match expected resources”}, from url: /s/default/app/home and requested from address: https://

any help please?

Could you please show us your elasticsearch.yml and kibana.yml configs?
Is there a way for you to check ROR 1.52.0? We’ve fixed some related issues recently

hello @coutoPL

for 1.52.0 version, the update, will be for elasticsearch or kibana plugin side?



Did you patch elasticsearch and Kibana?

for 1.52.0 version, the update, will be for elasticsearch or kibana plugin side?

We recommend having all ROR plugins in the same version.


I have updated both plugin with the version 1.52.0

For the patch, yes , the path is done into the Docker Image:

For elasticsearch:
RUN jdk/bin/java -jar plugins/readonlyrest/ror-tools.jar patch

For kibana:
RUN node/bin/node plugins/readonlyrestkbn/ror-tools.js patch

Do you experience the same issue with ROR 1.52.0?

Yes the same issue

BTW, i added this line to my kibana.yml file:
readonlyrest_kbn.cookiePass: ‘12312313123213123213123abcdefghijklm’

ok, I will try to reproduce it locally on my side

BTW, what ES version is it?

hello @coutoPL
it’s 8.7.1

hello @coutoPL ,
Have you tried to reproduce the behaviour please?

Not yet, but I’m currently on it.

I can confirm there is some bug. We don’t have fix yet, but we’re working on it.

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The current workaround: please use the same kibana index name for each tenancy (.kibana)

@rafikkcmed this is fixed. You can test the fix using this pre-build.

It will be released with ROR 1.53.0.

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Thank you @coutoPL
i will tested this wee and keep you informed

hello @coutoPL ,
It’s working, thank you.

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ROR 1.53.0 is released

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