Error: socket hang up


When I try to list indices using kibana with RoR I’m getting error:

Jul 30 13:07:59 logs kibana[8538]: Error: socket hang up
Jul 30 13:07:59 logs kibana[8538]:     at Socket.socketCloseListener (node:_http_client:473:25)
Jul 30 13:07:59 logs kibana[8538]:     at Socket.emit (node:events:531:35)
Jul 30 13:07:59 logs kibana[8538]:     at TCP.<anonymous> (node:net:338:12)
Jul 30 13:07:59 logs kibana[8538]:     at TCP.callbackTrampoline (node:internal/async_hooks:130:17)
Jul 30 13:08:04 logs kibana[8538]: [13:08:04:072] [info][plugins][ReadonlyREST][authController][x-ror-correlation-id=5d3bf4cd-8221-40ef-8a88-1d98c92c04f4] Refreshing session against ES
Jul 30 13:08:29 logs kibana[8538]: Error: socket hang up
Jul 30 13:08:29 logs kibana[8538]:     at Socket.socketCloseListener (node:_http_client:473:25)
Jul 30 13:08:29 logs kibana[8538]:     at Socket.emit (node:events:531:35)
Jul 30 13:08:29 logs kibana[8538]:     at TCP.<anonymous> (node:net:338:12)
Jul 30 13:08:29 logs kibana[8538]:     at TCP.callbackTrampoline (node:internal/async_hooks:130:17)
Jul 30 13:08:52 logs kibana[8538]: [13:08:52:766] [info][plugins][ReadonlyREST][authController][x-ror-correlation-id=5d3bf4cd-8221-40ef-8a88-1d98c92c04f4] Refreshing session against ES
Jul 30 13:08:59 logs kibana[8538]: Error: socket hang up
Jul 30 13:08:59 logs kibana[8538]:     at Socket.socketCloseListener (node:_http_client:473:25)
Jul 30 13:08:59 logs kibana[8538]:     at Socket.emit (node:events:531:35)
Jul 30 13:08:59 logs kibana[8538]:     at TCP.<anonymous> (node:net:338:12)
Jul 30 13:08:59 logs kibana[8538]:     at TCP.callbackTrampoline (node:internal/async_hooks:130:17)
Jul 30 13:09:27 logs kibana[8538]: [13:09:27:507] [info][plugins][ReadonlyREST][authController][x-ror-correlation-id=5d3bf4cd-8221-40ef-8a88-1d98c92c04f4] Refreshing session against ES
Jul 30 13:09:28 logs kibana[8538]: Error: socket hang up
Jul 30 13:09:28 logs kibana[8538]:     at Socket.socketOnEnd (node:_http_client:524:23)
Jul 30 13:09:28 logs kibana[8538]:     at Socket.emit (node:events:531:35)
Jul 30 13:09:28 logs kibana[8538]:     at endReadableNT (node:internal/streams/readable:1696:12)
Jul 30 13:09:28 logs kibana[8538]:     at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:82:21)
Jul 30 13:09:29 logs kibana[8538]: Error: socket hang up
Jul 30 13:09:29 logs kibana[8538]:     at Socket.socketCloseListener (node:_http_client:473:25)
Jul 30 13:09:29 logs kibana[8538]:     at Socket.emit (node:events:531:35)
Jul 30 13:09:29 logs kibana[8538]:     at TCP.<anonymous> (node:net:338:12)
Jul 30 13:09:29 logs kibana[8538]:     at TCP.callbackTrampoline (node:internal/async_hooks:130:17)

On web ui errors is:

Right now I have 4058 indices on one VM. Data is sent using filbeat agent installed on multiple clients.

Elasticsearch version: 8.14.1
Elasticsearch plugin version:
Kubana plugin version:

VM Resources are:
CPU: 16core
RAM: 32G

Can I find a way to list indices without error? Even using API I am not able to modify data views.


Could you please try to use ES REST API to list the indices?

curl -v -u USER:PASSWORD http://ES_ADDRESS:9200/_cat/indices

What do you get?
Do you see sth interested (eg. stack trace) in the ES logs?

Using curl I can list indices.
Main issue is when I try to update dataview (via API or web ui) with a new index name, at that point I’m getting same error like I’m listing indices from web ui.
No any stacktraces in elastic logs.


Please remove the ROR KBN plugin and confirm this is strictly an ROR problem.
Because TBH I’m not so sure.

With kibana removed and elastic plugin installed I’m getting loop messages like the following:

{"service":{"node":{"roles":["background_tasks","ui"]}},"ecs":{"version":"8.11.0"},"@timestamp":"2024-07-31T11:19:44.695+00:00","message":"License is not available or does not support security features, re-authentication is not possible (available: true, enabled: false, unavailable reason: undefined).","log":{"level":"ERROR","logger":""},"process":{"pid":1342573,"uptime":114.344920905},"trace":{"id":"553402153e2803efbbb16833ccdb8b0c"},"transaction":{"id":"b5d19a9a291085e1"}}

Oh, right. It seems that you have to disable or remove ROR from the ES too.