ES 7.4.2 - RoR 1.18.9 entreprise - issue ldap error message


I meet this kind of error, currently investigating what’s happening.

[2019-12-09T13:58:01,522][ERROR][tech.beshu.ror.accesscontrol.blocks.definitions.ldap.implementations.UnboundidLdapAuthenticationService] [SERVER1]LDAP authenticate operation failed - cause [80090308: LdapErr: DSID-0C0903D3, comment: AcceptSecurityContext error, data 533, v3839 ]

in fact it happens when they do a msearch. then they get kicked out of the kibana

I see 533 is “account disabled” error code in AD

Seems that this is a reason why you cannot authenticate using your user.

Nice one CoutoPL, i did not see that one …
