How to scroll on many tenants?


We now have many tenants configured in ReadOnlyrest and we are wondering if there is a way to scroll
because it is now difficult to select hidden tenants:

Is there a config to add in order to handle this?

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Very interesting issue, @Dzuming what do you propose for making this more usable?

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docker run --rm -p 443:443 --privileged --name rancher "rancher/rancher:stable"

Something like a rancher dropdown would be nice. A lookup with a filter and a scrollbar.
With kind regards,

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I think the same as @BobVanB, a scrollable dropdown with a search option will be the best option :slight_smile:

Yes, good idea @BobVanB, this example from rancher looks ideal. @Dzuming let’s add to Jira :slight_smile:


@sscarduzio Any update about this feature?


@Nadine you read my mind: I’ve just approved the pull request! See:

Oh! It sounds great. So we can download the new release. But our cluster is 7.15.1, will this version of ROR work on it?

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@Dzuming can we arrange a pre build for @Nadine?

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I sent a private message with a pre-release version :).

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The enhanced tenancy selector with the search box popping up when more than 5 tenancies are shown became generally available today on ROR Enterprise plugin 1.42.0 for Kibana versions >= 7.9.0.

Thanks @Nadine for taking the time to share with us your feedback!

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