Kibana 7.11.2 RoR 1.30.0 kibana-plugin list

Small one:
$ ./bin/kibana-plugin list


In the past this included the ror version as well.
Can we have the version number back please?

Not sure why this happens, need to investigate, but we normally tell users to refer to plugins/readonlyrestkbn/package.json

Similar to /_nodes that shows all node details including plugin details at ES level, is there any equivalent endpoint to query kibana plugin information?

@askids do you mean this one /api/status ?

  "name": "fda5fe1152f7",
  "uuid": "0bfd318e-afd6-4aa8-a098-7e13cfc3ce80",
  "version": {
    "number": "7.12.1",
    "build_hash": "abb04c5543d2201630c9669fe3680864506d924e",
    "build_number": 39457,
    "build_snapshot": false
  "status": {
    "overall": {
      "since": "2021-05-19T07:36:00.723Z",
      "state": "green",
      "title": "Green",
      "nickname": "Looking good",
      "icon": "success",
      "uiColor": "secondary"
    "statuses": [
        "id": "core:elasticsearch@7.12.1",
        "message": "Elasticsearch is available",
        "since": "2021-05-19T07:36:00.723Z",
        "state": "green",
        "icon": "success",
        "uiColor": "secondary"
        "id": "core:savedObjects@7.12.1",
        "message": "SavedObjects service has completed migrations and is available",
        "since": "2021-05-19T07:36:00.723Z",
        "state": "green",
        "icon": "success",
        "uiColor": "secondary"
        "id": "plugin:readonlyrestkbn@7.12.1",
        "message": "All dependencies are available",
        "since": "2021-05-19T07:36:00.723Z",
        "state": "green",
        "icon": "success",
        "uiColor": "secondary"
  "metrics": {
    "last_updated": "2021-05-19T07:35:58.695Z",
    "collection_interval_in_millis": 5000,
    "os": {
      "platform": "linux",
      "platformRelease": "linux-5.11.0-16-generic",
      "load": {
        "1m": 1.08,
        "5m": 0.85,
        "15m": 0.86
      "memory": {
        "total_in_bytes": 16541630464,
        "free_in_bytes": 266465280,
        "used_in_bytes": 16275165184
      "uptime_in_millis": 593805000,
      "distro": "Ubuntu",
      "distroRelease": "Ubuntu-20.04"
    "process": {
      "memory": {
        "heap": {
          "total_in_bytes": 205725696,
          "used_in_bytes": 166987952,
          "size_limit": 2197815296
        "resident_set_size_in_bytes": 253231104
      "pid": 346,
      "event_loop_delay": 0.1579110026359558,
      "uptime_in_millis": 3133509.5004350003
    "response_times": {
      "avg_in_millis": 0,
      "max_in_millis": 0
    "concurrent_connections": 0,
    "requests": {
      "disconnects": 0,
      "total": 0,
      "statusCodes": {
      "status_codes": {

@sscarduzio That response gives the same version number (of kibana) in the output as kibana-plugin list:

    "icon": "success",
    "id": "plugin:readonlyrestkbn@7.11.2",
    "message": "All dependencies are available",
    "since": "2021-05-19T07:55:08.240Z",
    "state": "green",
    "uiColor": "secondary"

Maybe that helps in the investigation

Seeing same issue on 7.10.2 also. But package.json shows correct value.

  "name": "readonlyrestkbn",
  "version": "1.30.0",
  "ror_version": "free-1.30.0_es7.10.2",
  "ror_build_time": "Mon, 17 May 2021 11:27:04 GMT",
  "ror_valid_for_days": "99999",
  "environment": "PRODUCTION",
  "license": "Beshu Limited, All rights reserved",
  "private": true,
  "description": "ReadonlyREST security plugin for Elasticsearch and Kibana",
  "main": "index.js",
  "kibana": {
    "version": "7.10.2"