We use kibana 7.6.1 with ror 1.19.4, when using Kibana we have sometimes this error in kibana log:
Oct 26 13:14:51 SFPPR4839 kibana[1040]: {“type”:“log”,"@timestamp":“2021-10-26T17:14:51Z”,“tags”:[“error”,“readonlyrest_kbn:onPreResponse”],“pid”:1040,“message”:“got an error [400] Bad Request for path /api/index_patterns/_fields_for_wildcard”}
Can yous help us please
Thank you
Hello @belotfi, how does it look on the Elasticsearch logs side? Can you find any stack traces or error messages arorund those timestamps?
For ror I have :
[2021-10-27T17:05:53,956][ERROR][t.b.r.e.p.EsAuditSink ] [SFPPR4842].-10000m
[2021-10-27T17:05:53,956][ERROR][t.b.r.e.p.EsAuditSink ] [SFPPR4842].-10000m
and readonlyrest index do not hace docs or Data
Thank you
Is there a specific reason that makes you think this error is caused by ROR? I had a search in google, have you seen this?
EDIT: oh you saw “readonlyrest_kbn:onPreResponse”. We just implement onPreResponse hook in our code for intercepting errors. It does not necessarily mean the cause is in ROR code.