Kibana_hide_apps on ROR Free-1.37.0_es7.14.2

The kibana hide apps option dont seem to work with Kibana 7.14 // ROR 1.37. We need to hide all apps but dashboard for a set of users.

Has anyone tried this before ?

Here is my /etc/elasticsearch/readonlyrest.yml

  enable: true
  prompt_for_basic_auth: true
  response_if_req_forbidden: Sorry, Forbidden Request by Elasticsearch. Please contact Infra team.

  - name: "::KIBANA-SRV::"
    auth_key: kibana:somepassword

  - name: "::ELS::"
    auth_key: elastic:somepassword
  - name: "::monitoring::"
    auth_key: monitoring:somepassword
    kibana_access: ro
    indices: [".kibana", "wazuh-*","metric*"]
    kibana_hide_apps: ["kibana:stack_management","kibana:visualize"]

Hello @atulchadha24, yes this is expected because hiding Kibana apps is a feature included only on the PRO and Enterprise editions of our Kibana plugins!

We can send you a quote for PRO if you want?