Kibana ROR icon disappears after navigating to monitoring


I am trying Kibana ROR Free 1.20 on 7.8.0 on Windows 2012. When I launch Kibana, I can see the ROR button/icon on the Kibana home page. From there when I switch to monitoring, the button disappears and there is no way to get it back, unless I again relaunch Kibana again.

I have verified that this behavior is specific to monitoring. From home, when I navigate to Dev Tools, Dashboards, Transform, Spaces or Discover, I dont face this issue and the ROR icon at the top right is still visible.


Dear @askids, this is a known issue to us, we are already working on it. In order to fix this, we need to move to the “new platform” Kibana plugin API.

The old API was supposed to stay usable until Kibana 8.0, but unfortunately this was not the case.
So on the Kibana side, our team had to drop everything and start with the migration.

We will need at least a week before we can produce anything usable.

@sscarduzio thanks for the update. I will make note of this and for the time being, cover it as part of training as a known issue and provide the work around for it. We will probably need to upgrade further to 7.8.1 or 7.9.0 to resolve another Kibana issue related to reporting. So when you plan to fix it, you can give priority to either of these versions :slight_smile: . Thanks for your support!

We already saw that the ROR panel stays in place using the new Kibana plugin API.

We are rearchitecturing ROR Kibana plugin to be able to patch the Kibana (OSS) source code, externalize all authentication to a proxy that responds on behalf of the main Kibana process. We will also intercept all the traffic to Elasticsearch, so we finally gain back the control on what indices reporting, SIEM, and other Kibana modules are using at all times.

This rearchitecture will prevent the numerous regressions we had over time due to the frequent Kibana core refactoring.

The price of this for the ROR users is that they will need to change their install scripts: install ROR, then run our patcher script, and then run Kibana.

This change will affect Kibana 7.7.0 and above. For now older Kibana versions should work better.

Thanks for the details. Just so that you know, we are on Windows 2012 for both ES and Kibana. But we use the default installation and not the OSS one. The default installation is the one with basic license and x-pack included, which we use for monitoring. So whatever patching approach that you are planning for, do you forsee any issue on non-OSS version ? I dont know what kind of restrictions are applied.

Yes I meant that the patching will touch only the Apache 2.0 licensed javascript files of Kibana. No non-free code will need to be patched.
This makes future ROR work with both OSS and non-free Kibana distributions.

Why not package both together? Today, when we run upgrade, we have a powershell script that checks for any existing version for ROR. If its present, it will uninstall and the install new version, else simply install new version. Similarly, why not have your script do both install and patch in one shot making it simpler for end users.

we cannot redistribute code that is not free, and not our own, unfortunately.

We kinda explored some other ways too, i.e. distributing a kibana wrapper, and on startup we ask you if you want to download the Kibana package as a “third party non free code” from Elastic’s server, and the non-free kibana would be downloaded automatically after agreeing to their license.

But there would be so many issues with this. Primarily the breakage of any air-gapped deployment: when no initernet is available in the servers, the installer would just fail.

Suggestions are welcome though!

hi @sscarduzio

Can you please let us know, by when do you plan to release this? I am now facing this issue of disappearing icon in all cases, after I login :frowning: Previously it was only limited to monitoring page. Now even when I go to home, I still dont see the icon. I am on 7.8.1 and using 1.22.1 version of ROR Kibana plugin.


As we stand today, we have a working prototype. But we need a couple of weeks at least for reassembling all the features from the old code to the new code. We literally had to rewrite the whole thing.

This is the second time we had to do this in ROR. Maintaining a Kibana plugin is not something I would recommend to the faint harted.

I wore the node.js developer hat for 2 minutes to add the debug logs and I agree :smiley:

But the icon is back on now and is always visible. May be it got tired of hiding from me :smiley: