New Logout button design => New ROR Panel

Hi @sscarduzio,

I’ve just tested new version of ROR plugin 1.19.5 (Kibana Pro plugin). I encountered same issue as @aidofitz. In my configuration I have not specifically configured “kibana_access” for my admin users and now I cannot access ROR configuration with my admin user.

I also cannot use kibana_access: unrestricted, as I’m getting error. When I added kibana_access: admin for my admin user, I still don’t see ROR configuration button.

Is there any workaround?
When can we expect to have a fix for the issue?

I’m running ES version 7.5.2. I wanted to upgrade to 1.19.5 as there is fix of LDAP disconnecting issue that we were seeing for some time.


We will publish 1.20.0 very soon, but in the meantime, this build has the fix for enabling “kibana_access: unrestricted”.

Hi @sscarduzio,

thanks for sharing new build with me.
I tested it and “kibana_access: unrestricted” was successfully validated in configuration and I started elasticsearch service without problems.

When I opened Kibana, there is still no “ROR” button in the top panel.
My user on test is configured as follows:



- name: Admin
  type: allow
  auth_key: admin:***
  kibana_access: unrestricted

See the screenshot when I am logged as “admin”:


Hi @sscarduzio,

one more thing, I tested ROR 1.19.5 on production cluster to resolve issue with LDAP disconnecting of our users.
When trying to manually access ROR configuration /app/readonlyrest_kbn I’m getting error:

ReadonlyREST for Kibana halted because your trial has expired, or this build is way too old. Get the latest build, or get assistance at at
Version: 7.5.2
Build: 27675
Error: ReadonlyREST for Kibana halted because your trial has expired, or this build is way too old. Get the latest build, or get assistance at at
at eval (eval at 5987 (https:///bundles/readonlyrest_kbn.bundle.js:3:10556), :1:138)
at Object.5987 (https:///bundles/readonlyrest_kbn.bundle.js:3:10556)
at webpack_require (https:///bundles/readonlyrest_kbn.bundle.js:3:1474)
at Object.requireLegacyFiles (https:///bundles/readonlyrest_kbn.bundle.js:3:9377)
at LegacyPlatformService.start (https:///bundles/commons.bundle.js:3:2299632)
at CoreSystem._callee2$ (https:///bundles/commons.bundle.js:3:2294598)
at tryCatch (https:///built_assets/dlls/vendors.bundle.dll.js:489:789856)
at Generator.invoke [as _invoke] (https:///built_assets/dlls/vendors.bundle.dll.js:489:793705)
at Generator.forEach.prototype. [as next] (https:///built_assets/dlls/vendors.bundle.dll.js:489:790980)
at asyncGeneratorStep (https:///bundles/commons.bundle.js:3:2286485)

I downloaded both ES and KBN plugins via our “licensed” email, it shouldn’t be trial version.
Do you have any idea what could cause this issue?


@gulycka kindly DM me the information about what when did you download and what email have you used.