@sscarduzio is it possible for us to export the log into logstash and then parse them instead of using the scala or java?
By the way, even though I opened the advanced audit logging configurations, audit_collector and audit_serializer, I could not see the failed login username from the logs either.
Below is one of my failed login logs and in this case I used username with kibana to login and I did not see any related information from this log.
"_index": "readonlyrest_audit-2019-12-23",
"_type": "ror_audit_evt",
"_id": "1371261629-177955394#202522",
"_version": 1,
"_score": null,
"_source": {
"headers": [
"acl_history": "[::KIBANA-SRV::-> RULES:[auth_key_sha256->false], RESOLVED:[]], [::LOGSTASH::-> RULES:[auth_key_sha256->false], RESOLVED:[]], [superuser-> RULES:[groups->false], RESOLVED:[]], [guest-> RULES:[groups->false], RESOLVED:[]], [kevin_admin_filter-> RULES:[groups->false], RESOLVED:[]], [kevin_admin_auth-> RULES:[groups->false], RESOLVED:[]], [kevin_member_filter-> RULES:[groups->false], RESOLVED:[]], [kevin_member_auth-> RULES:[groups->false], RESOLVED:[]], [newgroup_admin_filter-> RULES:[groups->false], RESOLVED:[]], [newgroup_admin_auth-> RULES:[groups->false], RESOLVED:[]], [newgroup_member_filter-> RULES:[groups->false], RESOLVED:[]], [newgroup_member_auth-> RULES:[groups->false], RESOLVED:[]]",
"origin": "",
"match": false,
"final_state": "FORBIDDEN",
"destination": "",
"task_id": 202522,
"type": "RRAdminRequest",
"req_method": "GET",
"content": "",
"path": "/_readonlyrest/metadata/current_user",
"indices": [],
"@timestamp": "2019-12-23T09:45:17Z",
"content_len_kb": 0,
"processingMillis": 4,
"action": "cluster:admin/rradmin/refreshsettings",
"block": "default",
"id": "1371261629-177955394#202522",
"content_len": 0
"fields": {
"@timestamp": [
"highlight": {
"path": [
"final_state": [
"sort": [
Many thanks!