I installed Elasticsearch 8.1.1 but not with the RPM of the editor. I used the tar.gz file.
When I want to path the ROR plugin, I get the following error :
jdk/bin/java -jar plugins/readonlyrest/ror-tools.jar patch
Exception in thread “main” java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: /usr/share/elasticsearch/plugins /readonlyrest
But my Elasticsearch is not installed in the /usr/share folder.
> java -jar ror-tools.jar --help
ROR tools 1.0.0
Usage: java -jar ror-tools.jar [patch|unpatch|verify] [options]
Command: patch [options]
patch is a command that modifies ES installation for ROR purposes
--es-path <value> Path to elasticsearch directory; default=/usr/share/elasticsearch
Command: unpatch [options]
unpatch is a command that reverts modifications done by patching
--es-path <value> Path to elasticsearch directory; default=/usr/share/elasticsearch
Command: verify [options]
verify is a command that verifies if ES installation is patched
--es-path <value> Path to elasticsearch directory; default=/usr/share/elasticsearch
-h, --help prints this usage text
I think that everything should be obvious to you at the moment.
In case of any other problem with the patching, let us know about it.
–es-path not working on Windows? Any advice? Thanks
I am getting below error even when running --help only.
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: requirement failed: \usr\share\elasticsearch is not an absolute path
Hi! Not sure if I should start a new thread, or piggy back from here. Related to the patch and \usr\share\elasticsearch is not an absolute path problem.
First off - runing on Windows. Currently trying ES 8.3.3, ROR-ES 1.42.0
I’ve been running some variant of ES 7 with ROR before with no problems, so that means that it is something added with ROR for ES 8.
So… The instruction says to patch the patch
–es-path /my/custom/path/to/es/folder
if the ES is installed elswere. BUT. The problem is, that the tool itself does not start, looks like we don’t get to the part where the --es-path can come in to play.
Exception in thread “main” java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
at tech.beshu.ror.tools.RorToolsApp$.esPathOption$lzycompute(RorToolsApp.scala:101)
at tech.beshu.ror.tools.RorToolsApp$.esPathOption(RorToolsApp.scala:99)
at tech.beshu.ror.tools.RorToolsApp$.patchCommand$lzycompute(RorToolsApp.scala:77)
at tech.beshu.ror.tools.RorToolsApp$.patchCommand(RorToolsApp.scala:72)
at tech.beshu.ror.tools.RorToolsApp$.parser$lzycompute(RorToolsApp.scala:63)
at tech.beshu.ror.tools.RorToolsApp$.parser(RorToolsApp.scala:60)
at tech.beshu.ror.tools.RorToolsApp$.main(RorToolsApp.scala:30)
at tech.beshu.ror.tools.RorToolsApp.main(RorToolsApp.scala)
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: requirement failed: \usr\share\elasticsearch is not an absolute path
at tech.beshu.ror.tools.scala.Predef$.require(Predef.scala:281)
at tech.beshu.ror.tools.os.Path.(Path.scala:446)
at tech.beshu.ror.tools.os.Path$.apply(Path.scala:398)
at tech.beshu.ror.tools.tech.beshu.ror.tools.core.utils.EsDirectory$.(EsDirectory.scala:27)
at tech.beshu.ror.tools.tech.beshu.ror.tools.core.utils.EsDirectory$.(EsDirectory.scala)
Exception in thread “main” java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
at tech.beshu.ror.tools.RorToolsApp$.esPathOption$lzycompute(RorToolsApp.scala:101)
at tech.beshu.ror.tools.RorToolsApp$.esPathOption(RorToolsApp.scala:99)
at tech.beshu.ror.tools.RorToolsApp$.patchCommand$lzycompute(RorToolsApp.scala:77)
at tech.beshu.ror.tools.RorToolsApp$.patchCommand(RorToolsApp.scala:72)
at tech.beshu.ror.tools.RorToolsApp$.parser$lzycompute(RorToolsApp.scala:63)
at tech.beshu.ror.tools.RorToolsApp$.parser(RorToolsApp.scala:60)
at tech.beshu.ror.tools.RorToolsApp$.main(RorToolsApp.scala:30)
at tech.beshu.ror.tools.RorToolsApp.main(RorToolsApp.scala)
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: requirement failed: \usr\share\elasticsearch is not an absolute path
at tech.beshu.ror.tools.scala.Predef$.require(Predef.scala:281)
at tech.beshu.ror.tools.os.Path.(Path.scala:446)
at tech.beshu.ror.tools.os.Path$.apply(Path.scala:398)
at tech.beshu.ror.tools.tech.beshu.ror.tools.core.utils.EsDirectory$.(EsDirectory.scala:27)
at tech.beshu.ror.tools.tech.beshu.ror.tools.core.utils.EsDirectory$.(EsDirectory.scala)
… 8 more
Is there any environment variable or java variable I can change so that the --es-path takes into effect before running the patch tool ?