[SUPPORT|kbn_ent] test message

test message

Support request

ROR Version:

Kibana Version:

Elasticsearch Version:

Steps to reproduce the issue

Expected result:

Actual Result:

{“customer_id”: “6c4a385b-2ae8-4f02-a9cd-ef24addfb5b3”, “subscription_id”: “32d4073f-dc2f-4056-a868-842727c637cd”}

it’s works=)

Did you see the message where it says to add an alternate email to the forum user?

No, where should I have seen him? Nothing came by mail.

I have now opened my profile, the alternative field is optional. There are no errors when saving the profile.

The error should be displayed in the portal

And the error means the following:

  • The system tried to use your current email address (the one used to login in the portal) with a username in the forum that also has that email address as main or alternate.
  • The association has failed because engineering@ringcentral.com is not bora_bora... (your forum user email address)
  • The system cannot attach the forum group “Enterprise User” to your forum user automatically

In your case, things work anyway because I assigned you the Enterprise User group in the forum manually.

Oh, I didn’t realize that errors in the personal account can somehow affect a personal user on the forum.

I indicated the corporate mailbox as an alternative, but so far the error from my personal account has not disappeared. Probably need to wait.

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