Unrestricted access issue


I encountered a strange issue where i was able to obtain unrestricted access to kibana. This was tested with elk 8.6.2 ROR 1.50.0 enterprise and elk 7.17.2 ROR 1.43.0 enterprise. ROR config below:

  prompt_for_basic_auth: false
  - name: "Full Admin Kibana"
    groups: ["full-admin"]
    indices: ["*"]
    kibana_access: "admin"
  - name: "Full Admin Users"
    groups: ["full-admin"]
    indices: ["*"]
    actions: ["*"]
  - name: "Client Admin Group Kibana"
    groups: ["client_admin"]
    indices: ["kibana_client_admin", "*"]
    kibana_access: "rw"
    kibana_index: "kibana_client_admin"
  - name: "Client Admin Group 0"
    groups: ["client_admin"]
    indices: ["*"]
    actions: ["*"]
  - name: "px1"
    user_id_header: "x-forwarded-user"
  - username: "fulladmin"
    groups: ["full-admin"]
    auth_key_sha256: "key"
  - username: "diana123"
    groups: ["client_admin"]
      proxy_auth_config: "px1"
      users: ["diana123"]

I am able to login in the client_admin tenant , normally. If i login as a fulladmin user, and change the configuration of the username diana123 to DIANA123, like this:

 - username: "DIANA123"
    groups: ["client_admin"]
      proxy_auth_config: "px1"
      users: ["DIANA123"]

and immediately i switch to the client_admin tenant without logging out before, i am able to obtain unrestricted access to kibana.
Below also a printscreen:
before changing the username to uppercase:

after changing the username to uppercase and switching to the client_admin tenant:
Screenshot 2023-08-29 at 18.42.05

I was able to reproduce it in our sandbox. I’ll analyse what’s going on and let you know soon.

We have analyzed the issue and it’s a problem on the ROR KBN side. It seems that there is no security issue. Nevertheless, we are working on the fix.

I forgot to let you know that it’s fixed.