Currently, We login to kibana and edit the config under readonlyREST tab. This configuration will be automatically updated in whole cluster.
Can the same feature be performed by command line. Like, place the readonlyREST.yml in any node of the cluster and run a command and the config should be updated in whole cluster.
@ld57 can that be made available as a REST end point to which we can send a payload? Need not be a straight forward upload of readonlyREST.yml. Since ROR Kibana plugin already provide this option from Kibana UI, I would think that this approach may be relatively easier to implement it rather building it as a script/external program.
Once its available as REST end point, some of the cross platform issues that you have mentioned could be potentially eliminated. Since this is a feature that is available only with ROR pro and above, you can also apply same kind of checks/ACLs that you impose on the ROR pro plugin.
Finally, we can simply use CURL to apply the changes. I know that its easier said than done
It is up to @sscarduzio if he want to go to this way, but it would mean to maintain 2 version of RoR plugin ( one free and one with licensed feature) , or to integrate a licensing enabling features system in RoR plugin. (imo)