I am trying out the wonderful plugin you have written. Kudos.
There is one thing which I am not able to work.
I tried to allow kibana full access granted via HTTP authentication as per your documentation. This was the initial configuration. The last block is the one for kibana.
log [04:47:37.764] [info][status][plugin:kibana@5.2.2] Status changed from uninitialized to green - Ready
log [04:47:37.811] [info][status][plugin:elasticsearch@5.2.2] Status changed from uninitialized to yellow - Waiting for Elasticsearch
log [04:47:37.852] [error][status][plugin:elasticsearch@5.2.2] Status changed from yellow to red - Authentication Exception
log [04:47:38.092] [info][status][plugin:timelion@5.2.2] Status changed from uninitialized to green - Ready
log [04:47:38.102] [info][listening] Server running at http://blahblah:5601
log [04:47:38.103] [error][status][ui settings] Status changed from uninitialized to red - Elasticsearch plugin is red
So I had to explicitly give all the permissions as below
It is working now. I wrote a small blog post (link) on my specfic use case of creating user for creating index and pushing data into it only. And giving that user no other privileges including read privileges.
Thanks for that. Updated the blog. Just wanted to confirm one thing.
This mean that it has read-write access to kibana indices and read-only access to others.
What happens to indices like “NotMatching-3434”. I guess these will not show up for this particular user.
name: “Accept all requests from localhost”
type: allow
hosts: [XXX.XX.XXX.XXX]
If kibana is on same host as ES wouldn’t this shortcut all other rules ?
I would expect no basic authentication popup because all browser initiated requests to ES will show origin regardless of index or usr due to kibana’s proxying
that is correct, other indices whose name don’t match any string or wildcard in the the indices rule will never be returned. If tried to be accessed specifically, a 403 or 401 HTTP status code will be returned (and no content of course)
Yes I missed out on that one totally. Initial testing was done with kibana running on same box and elasticsearch. Fixed it in blog. Now added the kibana daemon section. Documentation can do with some improvements. Let me know if you want some help.