Every time I duplicate the current page or click on a short link, I get to the authorization page. Although I am authorized in the next tab.
Is it possible to solve this issue somehow?
Yes, you understood correctly, the error appears when working through Kibana.
There are no messages in the access log when a tab is duplicated. It just opens authorization.
[10:48:55:560] [info][plugins][ReadonlyREST][preElasticsearchProxy] Could not forward all whitelisted headers, left out: x-forwarded-for,x-passed-nginx
{"type":"response","@timestamp":"2022-05-20T10:48:55+00:00","tags":["access:apm"],"pid":22490,"method":"post","statusCode":200,"req":{"url":"/api/apm/settings/agent-configuration/search","method":"post","headers":{"x-forwarded-for":"","x-passed-nginx":"true","host":"kibana","user-agent":"Go-http-client/1.1","accept":"application/json","content-type":"application/json","kbn-xsrf":"1","accept-encoding":"gzip","connection":"close","x-ror-pkp-kibana-token":"uhwzarro7p7mr3iqblymyqyys5hfun","content-length":"90","accept-charset":"utf-8"},"remoteAddress":"","userAgent":"Go-http-client/1.1"},"res":{"statusCode":200,"responseTime":16,"contentLength":252},"message":"POST /api/apm/settings/agent-configuration/search 200 16ms - 252.0B"}
[10:48:55:701] [info][plugins][ReadonlyREST][preElasticsearchProxy] Could not forward all whitelisted headers, left out: x-forwarded-for,x-passed-nginx
[10:48:56:035] [info][plugins][ReadonlyREST][authController] Refreshing session against ES
[10:48:56:083] [info][plugins][ReadonlyREST][tenantIndexBasedOnTemplateApplier] Template index not defined. Returning
The problem is reproduced even when you go to kibana directly.
I think the problem is errors.
But I still don’t know how to fix them.
There are 3 kibana in the cluster.
Each kibana is behind nginx.
are you 100% sure the kibana.yml files are kept in sync in all 3?
Yes, I sure.
Can you check if setting readonlyrest_kbn.sessions_probe_interval_seconds: 120 help to delay the issue?
I think you don’t understand me. My problem is reproduced right after authorization without waiting 10 seconds. It has nothing to do with time.
As I thought. Increasing the time didn’t help.
For the purity of the tests, I do not use a balancer. And I go directly to kibana and the problem is reproduced.
I do this to be sure that neither haproxy nor nginx interfere. And that I go to the same server.
OK so your test case is reproducible by you in isolation skipping all LB and reverse proxies, pointing the browser to a single Kibana instance.
The last thing I don’t understand is that in your config you show a single ES node (localhost) and you said you share this kibana.yml in all 3 Kibana nodes. How is this possible?
OK so your test case is reproducible by you in isolation skipping all LB and reverse proxies, pointing the browser to a single Kibana instance.
Yes, it is reproduced in a test environment, in a lab, in 2 stage clusters and in 4 production clusters.
The last thing I don’t understand is that in your config you show a single ES node (localhost) and you said you share this kibana.yml in all 3 Kibana nodes. How is this possible?
Kibana and ElasticSearch are on the same server.
Each Kibana has its own ElasticSearch.
All of these ElasticSearchs are in the same cluster.
Hello, @driveirk I tried to reproduce this issue locally, and it looks like it can be connected with an overriding secure cookie. Are you able to set readonlyrest_kbn.cookieName unique for every kibana instance?